[공모전] 서울 어반디자인 2013
2013. 3. 7.
[공모전] 서울 어반디자인 2013
- 공모개요
신월IC에서 여의도를 잇는 제물포길(국회대로)은 그동안 주변지역을 단절시키고 상습 교통정체지역으로서 이에 대한 개선방안으로 제물포터널 건설사업을 추진 중에 있으며, 기존 지상도로를 축소하여 발생된 부지를 공원 및 녹지, 자전거도로 등 다목적 공간으로 재탄생시키는 계획을 구상 중으로 차도 축소 공간 및 주변 지역에 대한 발전연계방안을 마련코자 전 세계 대학생을 대상으로 하는 국제 아이디어 공모를 시행하오니 많은 참여를 바랍니다.
- 접수기간 및 일정
- 참가등록: 2013. 3. 25 ~ 4. 26
- 1단계 작품접수: 2013. 7. 5. 17:00
- 1단계 심사: 2013. 7.
- 1단계 수상자 발표 (입선작 10점 선정): 2013. 8. 2. ※ 공모 홈페이지 게재 및 개별 통보
- 2단계 작품접수: 2013. 10. 11. 17:00
- 2단계 심사 및 시상: 2013. 10. 31
- 전시: 2013. 10. 31 ~ 11. 6
* 모든 날짜와 시간은 한국 시간 기준임.
- 참가자격
- 건축, 도시설계, 조경설계에 관심있는 전 세계 학생
- 1인(팀) 1작을 원칙으로 하되, 1팀은 3인 이내로 구성
- 공모주제
[공모 주제 : "Toward Urban Integration" (“도시의 통합을 향하여”) ]
- “도시의 통합을 향하여”라는 주제 하에 도시 재생 및 활성화를 위한 아이디어 발굴
- 지역간 단절을 해소하고 통합을 지향하는 패러다임의 전환에 따라 제물포길과 그 주변지역을 활성화시키는 연결체계 구축과 지역 커뮤니티를 활성화 시킬 수 있는 방안 모색
- 응모방법
- 일시 : 2013년 3월 25일(월) 10:00 ~ 2013년 4월 26일(금) 17:00
※공모 홈페이지를 통한 온라인 등록(공모 홈페이지 http://www.sss9.or.kr.)
- 등록비(환불 불가): 국외참가자 USD 30 / 국내참가자 한화 3만원
- 시상내역
- 1등상 1 점 USD 10,000
- 2등상 2점 USD 5,000
- 3등상 3점 USD 3,000
- 장 려 상 4점 USD 1,000
- 입선 10점
Competition Brief
- Goal
The main goal of Seoul Urban Design 2013 is to gather creative ideas for a site in Seoul, which can bring our attention to the urban issues in the city, from students all around the world. This competition intends to produce versatile and extensive documentation to be used as a basis for the future development of the area. Through this competition, students whoever interested in architectural, urban, and landscape design can explore their design ideas and understand potential effects of their proposals, possibly using spatial analysis as a design methodology.
- Theme : "Toward Urban Integration"
Controling a bigger system calls for faster communication. A growing city demands faster transportation lines to catch up its size. Overlaying a steady transportation network on a large cityscape has been a chief responsibility for every metropolitan government. Faster connections were needed for efficiency, so they built speedy ways inside cities. Efficiency sacrificed life; the naturally-grown urban fabric was disconnected and split areas were isolated. They became urban barricades.
This competition puts forward the concept “Toward Urban Integration” to collect ideas about urban fabric recovery. It focuses on the eco-friendly regeneration of the expressway, Jemulpo-gil and the adjacent blocks in the west region of the city. Still in the conception phase, the Seoul Metropolitan Government has a potential plan to build underground tunnels to turn the extensive surface area of Jemulpo-gil into usable space for citizens. Following this direction, this competition seeks inspiring proposals that can re-define Jemulpo-gil and revitalize the adjacent blocks The jury will evaluate the projects in accordance with the following criteria:
- Criteria
- Regeneration of the disconnected urban network
- Spatial analysis with effective graphic representation
- Sustainable solutions for future generations
- Creative idea for the new urban paradigmaccording
to a paradigm shift from separation toward urban integration.
- Site "Jemulpo-gil and the adjacent blocks"
competition site : freely chosen area of Jemulpo-gil and the adjacent blocks with more than 100m length in east-west direction within the 1st section between Shinwol IC and Mok-dong bridge.
Jemulpo-gil is a name of the expressway in Seoul that runs in an east-west direction, from Youido, the island on Han river, to Shinwol IC (interchange) on the western edge of the city. It is a 55m wide 10-lane dual carriageway that stretches 7.6km. For administrative purposes, it is divided into two sections: The 1st section is between Shinwol IC and Mok-dong bridge, and the 2nd section is between Mok-dong bridge and National Assembly intersection in Youido. The Seoul Metropolitan Government has been considering the idea of converting the surface of Jemulpo-gil to public space. It has been discussed that they build, in the 1st section, underground tunnels, underpass, and 2-lane roads on the ground for local traffic. The tentative plan for the 2nd section has underground tunnels and 6-lane surface roads. Taking account of the current conditions, this competition focuses on the 1st section of the expressway and its adjacent blocks. Among the blocks in the 1st section, the entrants can select their own boundary of design, based on the information we provide.
*note: see details in "site information-download.pdf" file under FILE DOWNLOAD on the http://sss9.or.kr/sud/
- Eligibility
- The competition is open to any registered student-individual or team-from all over the world.
- The competition accepts max. 3 people in a team.
- All team members should be registered students at the submission deadline for the 1st round(July 5, 2013) . The entrants will be required to submit student identification cards at the 1st round submission.
- Schedule
notice : March 4, 2013
registration : March 25, 2013 10:00 - April 26, 2013 17:00
submission deadline for the 1st round : July 5, 2013 17:00 (online)
evaluation by the jury : July, 2013
announcement of the final list : August 2, 2013
submission deadline for the 2nd round : October 11, 2013 17:00 (online)
presentation and announcement of the final winners : October 31, 2013 (Seoul City Hall)
awards & exhibition : October 31-November 6, 2013(Seoul City Hall)
* note: All the dates and time listed are local time in Korea, which is GMT+9 hours
- Registration
- On-line registration can be made on the official website: www.sss9.or.kr
- Non-refundable registration fee of $30(foreigners), 30,000won(Koreans)
- each registered competitor will get a cad file of the competition site.
- each registered competitor may submit questions through on-line.
- Materials provided
General information will b e available for the p otential par ticipants on the of ficial website : www.sss9.or.kr
A registered competitor may download the competition materials from the official competition website with a personal ID and password of his/her choice.
The competition materials will include:
- autocad file of the competition site.
- detailed information about competition site context
- site photos
- space syntax program
- Submission methods
◦ All the projects should be submitted through the official website: www.sss9.or.kr
◦ All students who have registered for the competition will receive a mail with their personal log-in information and a short description how to upload their project.
◦ file contents :
- The site plan should be drawn with the length of more than 100m in east-west direction
- Other drawings and diagrams are up to the entrants.
◦ language : English
◦ measurement : metric
- The jury
All award entries are reviewed by an international jury. The list of the jury will be announced later
in 2013 on www.sss9.or.kr.
- The jury will be composed as follows:
- 3 international jurors
- 4 domestic jurors
- Prizes
1st : 1 project $10,000
2nd : 2 projects $5,000 each
3rd : 3 projects $3,000 each
Honorable Mention : 4 projects $1,000 each
Accepted : 10 projects certificate of merit
- Award ceremony & Exhibition
- 10 teams on the final list will present their projects on Oct. 31, 2013. The winners of the Seoul Urban Design 2013 will be announced and celebrated at the award ceremony on Oct. 31, 2013.
- All winning projects will be exhibited at the award ceremony.
- All submitted projects will be displayed online at www.sss9.or.kr after the announcement of the final list.
- Each of the winning teams from foreign countries will receive a part of flight and accommodation expenses for one of its members.
- Organizer
host : Seoul Metropolitan Government and Space Syntax Seoul Organizing Committee
- Competition Organizing Committee :
- Young Ook Kim, School of Architecture Sejong Universiy
- Jae Hee Chung, School of Architectural Engineering, Hongik Universiy
- Kyung Wook Seo, School of Architecture, Kyonggi Universiy
- Hoon Tae Park, Sejong Universiy
- Regulations
◦ Anonymity: Names of entrants should not app ear on any part of the submitted material. All the entrants should select a Personal Identification Number (PIN), which is composed of 1 alphabet and 3-digit arabic numbers). A PIN will b e used as an identification numb er of a submitted work.
◦ Right to use, Authorship & Publication : The Se oul Metropolitan Government has the right to use the winning designs f or publication, exhibition, and distribution thr ough the web. The designers shall b e deemed to agree with it and r etain authorship of their designs: No materials, work can b e used for any purpose without the c onsent of its author.
◦ Return of entries : Re gardless of awar d, no submit ted work will b e returned to entrants. Entrants can not charge for returns for the submitted work or for production cost. All panels, other than those who have received prizes or been purchased by the organizer shall be destroyed at the end of the public exhibition.
◦ Projects that do not meet the specifications will be excluded from judgement.
◦ In case of previously published design or plagiarism, awar ds will b e stripped and any prize money must be suspended. If prize money has already been accepted, it is legally required for it to be returned No personal information in the application will be used for other purposes except for identification and payouts.
◦ Any tax resulting from prize money is the responsibility of the winners. Tax for foreign winners should follow the Korean Taxation.
- Questions & Answers
- Further Information & questions
◦ The official contacts for the competition are as follows:
- homepage : www.sss9.or.kr
- email : sud2013@sss9.or.kr.
◦ All the notice will be announced through www.sss9.or.kr